Derek Putnam Derek Putnam Derek Putnam Derek Putnam

Cleetus McFarland Expands Motorsports Presence – Partners with Victor Alvarez and Purchases 50 Percent of Bradenton Motorsports Park!

In everything he does, from piloting helicopters to 5-second race cars, hosting events to rebuilding a race track, Cleetus McFarland continues to elevate not only his impact on the sports and hobbies he enjoys, but brings along millions of viewers to watch the adventures on his popular YouTube channel.

It was about five years ago that Cleetus (the adrenaline-fueled alter face of Garrett Mitchell) purchased DeSoto Memorial Speedway, an oval track adjacent to Bradenton Motorsports Park that had sat abandoned for nearly two years.

And after a lot of work and success from that track, Cleetus didn’t have to look far for his next opportunity, as he announced today he is partnering with good friend and current owner Victor Alvarez, as 50 percent owner in Bradenton Motorsports Park.

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Derek Putnam Derek Putnam Derek Putnam Derek Putnam

A Weekend of Drag Racing and Drifting Highlights Grand Opening of Lead Foot City Race Track in Southwest Florida

As 2024 draws to a close, the count for new tracks and re-opened tracks, versus tracks that have been closed or shuttered, seems to have the scales tipped to the positive side. And although Florida got news not too long ago that a track will close in the spring of 2025, the new drag strip at Lead Foot City held a grand opening this past weekend.

As we originally reported in February 2024, Lead Foot City made the decision to expand their footprint in Brooksville, Florida to add to their existing compound and schedule that included drifting and several car themed events. Originally rumored to be considering asphalt and more of a no-prep / flag start track, things got ramped up quite a bit when the concrete trucks showed up instead!

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Derek Putnam Derek Putnam Derek Putnam Derek Putnam

Battlefield Dragstrip in Mississippi to Re-Open December 21st, 2024 After Being Closed for More Than a Year

Just over two months after ending their 2023 season, Battlefield Dragstrip changed that status to permanent closure for the 2024 season.

Despite thirty years of operation in Stonewall, Mississippi and recent upgrades, the track’s future looked bleak.

But recently, news broke that Battlefield Dragstrip will get its latest operator this month, as the track is scheduled to see action for the first time in nearly fifteen months on December 21st, 2024.

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